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Misquoted sayings

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sg | 14:15 Wed 16th May 2012 | Phrases & Sayings
83 Answers
I've just had an email from a senior partner that quotes the phrase 'False of habit'.
I've never heard that one before. Ones you hear often are Damp Squib, or Doggy Dog World.
Are there any others you have heard people say?


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The ex used two at irregular intervals:

Spending money hand over foot.


In one fowl swoop.
14:18 Wed 16th May 2012
Gentlemen who have a healthy flow of urine in the pub toilets werec locally described as being able to p1ss like the "store horse" , an old equine delivery system .
I've often heard the younger generation describe the very same phenomenom by referring to the "... straw horse"
jd - did you mean to say 'And how many men talk of their prostrate, instead of prostate'?
Before retirement I was mechanical engineering inspector for a Saudi Arabian oil company. They bought pipe flanges from a company in Germany. These flanges were produced to withstand oil pressures of 1500 pounds per square inch and were known as 1500lbs flanges.
The sales personnel used to refer to them as 1500 loobs and ,as stated by another ab-er "I didn't have the heart to correct them"
I have a colleague writes minutes - X proposed it, Y second it it.
when mum was alive and we had our 'girly' talks, she always said her
wound...instead of her womb!
i hear freudient slip all the time ...
"give Madonna and her elk the 1st class treatment she deserves"

like it
It's dog eat dog and vice versa (I actually heard this said at a meeting)
I knew someone who claimed that people he knew 'wouldn't say boo to a ghost '
Another chap was often 'au frais' with the situation.
There really isn't much you can say to them...
My late mum used to talk about Madonna's crooked hand-ball goal and Maradonna's songs. My dad, not to be out done, always said prestinct instead of precint.
You could 'have them up those stairs like a ton of bricks' which I also heard by gaffer getting annoyed with trainees where I worked
My boss regularly says that people should "wake up and smell the custard" !
This is a double-edged barrel (same gaffer)
lol at all these. I couldn't think what doggy dog was for a while. I hate it when people round here with their local accent say frooneral instead of funeral. It is always on the tip of my tongue to correct them.
Thanks for this post sg - I've had a right good chuckle. Must remember my peas and queues in the future.
bigbadmarty: ^^ P*ss like a horse, Sh*t like a cow; regularly every morning at 8 oclock. Trouble is I don't get out of bed 'till nine.
These are really good, especially the one about going off on a tandem :-)
The proof is in the pudding.
Maggiebee. Is your friend Scottish? They have different sausages up there you know
V.funny starbuckone. In these here parts where I live the locals tend to say compooter instead of computer.Jeez it makes me cringe.

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