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I would give my eye teeth

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4info | 05:08 Mon 27th Feb 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
3 Answers
I am trying to find out where the expression "I would give my eye teeth" be that skinny or to have that car, etc.


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Originally, the eye teeth were those most directly under the eye and thus considered somehow to be of greater value/importance than other teeth. Accordingly, such sayings as 'He hasn't even cut his eye teeth yet', meaning 'He is immature' or 'He has his eye teeth', meaning 'He's wide awake and aware of what's going on', came into existence.
So, the idea of 'giving your eye teeth for' meant a preparedness to give up something of great value. It's just a variant of the idea that you would 'give your right arm' - whether to be ambidextrous or not! - for something.
To want to do something very much....For example, I would give my eye teeth to go to London with my cousin.
to want to do something very much, for example, I would give my eye teeth to go to London with my cousin.

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I would give my eye teeth

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