Here's a good riddle. See if you can work it out.
A man with a black mask, black hat, black long overcoat is walking down a narrow and secluded country lane. All the street lights are broken and tehrefore do not work. A black car approacches the man at high speed without its lights on but rather than run the man down, the car screeches to a halt and the man is unhurt. How did the driver of the car manage to see the man?
Because it's daylight. Bit obvious really - I'm usually useless at these things but the answer leapt out at me after I read the riddle once. I feel disproportinately delighted now ... perhaps I need to get out more!
Fair enough guys. The riddle really only works when to tell people verbally as its to do with the assumptions we make from the story we here. Anyway, well done for spotting it first time.