terrible endings in The AnswerBank: TV
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terrible endings

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Dagman | 21:59 Tue 26th Dec 2006 | TV
4 Answers
I've read a book recently that explains (to the authors best knowledge) the origins of everyday phrases. One is called 'Jumping the Shark' which, I assume is more an American phrase due to it coming from the last series of Happy Days where the Fonz waterskis over a shark whilst wearing his leather jacket and bike boots (Fonz not the shark!). The phrase is thus used to describe a good tv show that has run it's course and ran out of steam and viewers. Some cop shows used to end up with the prog's hero/s having doubles to create a plot of wrongful doings by the hero/s, this regarded by the tv folk as spelling the ends of the series'. What progs did you like that ran out of steam and how? The more ridiculous the better. Progs shown in Britain if possible.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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A website devoted to this very subject has existed for the past decade...

well thats killed that one then !
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I was so looking forwards to the answers but it's all too easy now :(

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