St. Fiacre : Of Irish origin, he emigrated to France and retired as a hermit in the forest of Brie, on the present site of Saint-Fiacre-en-Brie (Seine and Marne). His reputation for holiness soon attracted a lots of visitors. He prayed with them, gave them advice, treated them, and with the help of God cured them. After his death, he was invoked for curing haemorrhoids, and pilgrims came from very far, to sit on the stone where he had been sitting, hoping this contact would relieve their pain. For the record, in 1640, a Parisian, replaced the sedan-chair, by carriages that were hired by the hour: 'hackney-carriages' called fiacres in French because they all started from and went back to the Hotel Saint-Fiacre, located in the rue Saint-Antoine. He is the patron of gardeners and is still invoked against haemorrhoids.