There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. ~Winston Churchill
The wagon rests in winter, the sleigh in summer, the horse never. ~Yiddish Proverb
The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears. ~Arabian Proverb
If the world was truly a rational place, men would ride sidesaddle. ~Rita Mae Brown
(My Favorite)
In my opinion, a horse is the animal to have. Eleven-hundred pounds of raw muscle, power, grace, and sweat between your legs - it's something you just can't get from a pet hamster. ~Author Unknown
From Wakan-Tanka, the Great Mystery, comes all power. It is from Wakan-Tanka that the holy man has wisdom and the power to heal and make holy charms. Man knows that all healing plants are given by Wakan-Tanka, therefore they are holy. So too is the mo'�hėno'ha (horse) holy, because it is the gift of Wakan-Tanka. ~Maza Blaska Oglala Sioux Chief.