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kite master | 00:02 Thu 13th Nov 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
7 Answers
could someone please tell me y the police are called the fuzz .. thanks


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Gravy altering the font is just sooo passe now *yawn*
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are you english
One of the earliest written uses of the word �fuzz' to mean �the police' was in a dictionary called 'American Tramp & Underworld Slang' published in the USA in 1931. There, it was suggested that it came from 'fuss', a name for anyone who was over-particular or hard to please, as in "Ooh, you're such a fuss!" Obviously tramps and �baddies' would see policemen in that way!
Really, therefore, if you use the word �fuzz' to mean �police', you're basically just calling them �fusspots'.
That may not be quite the hard-man image people who use the word are trying to convey!
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thanks quizmaster .
that solves one mystery
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sorry quizmonster ,alltho it should be quiz master........
2 hookers chatting , one says 'have you ever been picked up by the fuzz?' her friend replys ' no, but I've been swung round by the tits'
and THAT joke in case you were wondering

Goldie Hawn for it was she: Have you been picked up by the Fuzz ?
Bearded fella rubbing beard - No but it must hurt!

was on Rowan and Martin's Laugh in 1968

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