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Punctuation joke

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joggerjayne | 17:20 Sat 13th Nov 2010 | Phrases & Sayings
12 Answers
I can't bear people who don't use punctuation properly.

I mean ... just who do they think they're ?


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Only MarkRae will find this funny !

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Oh ... yaay !
had a T shirt once, front read Woman without her man, is nothing - back read, Woman, without her, man is nothing.
You've just made me chuckle jj.
Question Author
sorry to be completely thick but what does =0) mean - if your there JJ
your rite their, JJ.....................!
Question Author
It's a smiley face !

You have to tilt your head to the left.

your so right JJ -it does look like a smiley face - is it you'res?
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It's anyone's, really.

Haha! Love it!

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Punctuation joke

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