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Common misuse of the English Language examples

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Dris | 18:44 Sun 13th Mar 2011 | Phrases & Sayings
108 Answers
Now obvious 'typos' are exempt.We all all make them.

ect for 'etc' .

of cause for of course .

Any more glaringly obvious ones?


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kor, in eye kant got a wood in ejways
Discreet and discrete
I hate the American "listen up" however did the word up creep in? Up where?
Some of the blame must go to text speak or should that be speke?
No starby, speke's in liverpool
Any non US resident reliant on an American spell checker.
Is it boxy? I'm not good at geography, not even local geography. Let me out of this district and I'm lost. Ask me which way to turn - if I say right you would be well advised to turn left. But as Dris said earlier on in her thread you learn something new each day (or words to that effect). I'll count that as my something new.
Filling out a form rather than filling it in.
Refuting something rather than repudiating/denying it.
I don't often see it written down but people who say 'somethink' instead of 'something' and notting instead of 'nothing' not much bothers me but they is so cringe worthy.
I am amazed that no-one has yet mentioned the effect / affect confusion.

I know one example of a rare occurrence where someone used "effecting", when they meant to use "affecting", but the sense conveyed was still correct. I know it was a mistake, because I doubt very much that the person concerned was even aware that "effect" can be a verb.
Have just thought of another one people say one foul swoop instead of fell swoop
We was, you was, they was.....Was you? Wasn't we? etc.....they all make my ears bleed..
should of, could of, would of. Have!
I'm going Tescos .....
We shud all be mature enuf to accept the odd misteak
the mixture of should, would and could in sentences with shall, will and can.
As in I should be grateful if you will........
Thanks to DT for pointing out my terrible spelling :|
the verb "to say" appears to have been almost universally replaced in spoken english by "to be like"

- ie I said = I was like...

I work in Highway would be surprised how many solicitors' secretaries think their are bridal paths everywhere, instead of bridle paths.
Bridal path instead of Bridle path....I work in Highway Records.

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Common misuse of the English Language examples

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