If I am right about my relativity, the Germans will say that I am German, and the French, I am a world citizen. If my theory proves to be wrong, the French will say that I am German, and the Germans,...
Had the following quote rattling around my head for three days... “all in good time my friend, all in good time. “. Think it comes from a comedy programme? Or comedy film??? Keep thinking of Simon...
Can anyone provide the exact quotation the essence of which is 'nobody loves Wales as much as the London Welshman, just as long as he doesn't have to live in Wales'?
Seeing this text reminded me that there were a string of these witticisms, not particularly kind to the recipient. This one was: "You have eyes like pools - cess pools". They continued in a similar...
"Never leave your friends up the creek without a paddle because you may meet them coming down". Is this the same as "don't dam the bridge you cross" ? Do you know other saying or proverbs which relate...