The wonderful love of a beautiful maid and the love of a staunch true man and the love of a baby unafraid, has existed since life began. But the greatest love, the love of love, even greater than that...
SOCIALISM _ organisation of our productive elements within a social a social network wich safeguards individual needs but who provides rights to minimum social standards below wich none should be...
I can vaguely remember a series of quotes describing political parties which roughly goes as follows A Tory is a person who----- A Liberal is a person who----- A Socialist is a person who---- A...
Who is John Dretschmer? A quote is attributed to him, \\\"Upon the plains of hesitation lay the bleached bones of countless thousands who upon the brink of success hesitated and there waiting...
I'm looking for a phrase that starts with an F is three words and ends with an e F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e first word starts with an f and is four letters, second worth is two letters, third word...