Good morning everyone - the lovely mild weather continues and the trees are rapidly changing colour - this truly is my favourite time of the year 🍁🍂🍄 As for the links - Bee Eater Hot Spots Chest... ...
1 A country famous for curry (8) 10 The Fruit and the Bird have the same name (3) (7) 20 Avocados grown here (5) 21 So many pineapples here (5)(4) 24 To add heat to a meal (5) ALL ANSWERS ARE EITHER... ...
1) the letter U with the word wealthy jumping out of it 2) eat OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 3) TOUGH TENDER TENDER 4) Two hearts followed by the word... ...
Hi lovely people I'm also stuck on two question in the unit quiz part five 10/4/25 places in the uk fathom out with the Spanish losing nothing (7) changing furlong did miss the point (9) thankyou in... ...
Good evening if anyone can help on these last 2 questions would be great it sweet treat quiz 30/4/25 thankyou 9, stout scallywag (3,6) 20, neutral character (5,4)
All answered relate to the sea 8) Comic Richard has a pool of silvery fish ( 7,4 ) First word I presume is Herring and it fits alphabetically ,but not sure of the second ... pond? 11) You don't want... ...
Does anyone doing this quiz know if the letter count for No. 57 should read 2,5,5 and not 2,6,5 ? Also any other errors ? I think the count for No. 91 should be 4,2,3,5.