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A comparatively easy grid-fill this week though events have rather overtaken the relevance at the moment. It does take a bit of inspiration to figure out the precise nature of the event and either...
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2 little 4 letter words that include a common letter 8ac International trade group (4) O?C? 5d Continuous dull pain (4) ?C?E I would like 8ac to be OPEC then 5d would be ?E?E Any help please...
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5d) Princess hurried with fish losing its tail(5) r?nee Is it ranee or renee? & why?...
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I object to a action (7)??a?b??. Furniture found backstage? (7) (??e?s??) Corroborate that a wild animal has escaped (4,3) ????,???.. Makes better repairs under direction(6) E?????. Sprinkles water on...
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Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 37ac: “Horseman, with Lance, not the first person unseating someone (6).” 46ac: “Mozart’s contemporary position in exotic dress (7).” 50ac: “Too...
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92d,accent,stress,e?p?a??? 102d,repay a wrong,a?e??? 103d,hold up,hinder,?e??? 113a,ordinary seaman,??????...
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davey b
R v Penguin Books Ltd? it's shelved B?O?C???
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66a musical instrument wit vertical strings (7-5) ???i???p????
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36a Blade absolutely overlapping maybe reason for shuddering (7) ????ER?
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34a lodged soldiers in a private house b?l?e?e? billiter? billited?...
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Like the thoughts of a number getting over fever(5)??g??. She'seen in action at a shakespearian festival (7)??t????. He has to wait for his money(4,7) ????,???????....
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Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 10ac: “Teddy bear’s friend, slender, tucking in tail (9).” 15ac: “Menial’s years behind plough (6).” 17dn: “Support for idiots? (6).” 21ac: “Dukes,...
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Completely flummoxed by 4d. What's inverted horny porno tester suffering:h?s?e?i? p?o?e?o?. Wondered if the first word might be hysteria, or hysteric, no clue on second word....
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celebrity anagram. ijnnlrtaecny
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18 across: Men turning crazy like Caligula...? (7) R?M?N?? 6 down: Dives where copper arrests lout wasted on grass (9) P???????? (sorry that;s the only letter I have!) Thanks in advance....
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14ac. Start of week busy for African city (8) I have -I-E-T-R
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14d Wheel turned round operating device for ignition . Ans is detonator. What is the parsing , please? Just can't see it.
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19 24 across 3 3 6 lament, from this day even, bearing loss 22 10 across 7 1 4 character on 28 in band, one ultimately doomed get me started please...
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12 A Understand why pronoun is so long (3,3) ??e??? 17 A None-server's joint in post-bankruptcy mode (120 ??????E?S?I? 21 Barge doctor on side,right? (7) ??????r 7 D Is she French, this girl? (7)...

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