All the answers are either thoroughfares or places in Londo. About chap most of Wes (6,6) University century king starts in Lord Lucan along with top friend in reverse (10,6) He tangle in a... ...
The answer must contaon the letters HNY in any order, anywhere i.e. White wine = cHardoNaY Anoption that is only considered worth a couple of small coins (3 words) Thanks in... ...
Citizens of Gaul seen on screen before connection (3,6) T?E ?R?N?H =The French I get the citizens of Gaul, but not the second part of the clue Thanks in advance
The answers are all things that can be won on the foot i.e. Idle persons or layabouts =Loafers. A suede shoe reaching to or extending jusy above the ankle (2 words) Light shoes for dancing etc. (5... ...
The answer has an animal in it. i.e. the winged feathered creature and a soft mass of tissue in the head =Bird Brain. Sausages cooked in batter (one word) Snob monkey uses questionable... ...
The answers are "At the football match" A place where converging sides meets. (it isn't Pitch as this answer has already been used.) I know nothing about football! Thanks in... ...
All the answers end in 'IC' - Distressing, emotionally disturbing (9) A person filled with excessive enthusiasm for something (7) Odd or capricious in behaviour or appearance (9) Thanks in... ...
Heavy metal tool in the place of employment (4 words) It's hard between the lobes without experience perhaps? (4 words) I'm assuming wet behind the ears or wet between the ears but don't know... ...
All the answers are idioms i.e.Restrain the quadrupeds (3 words) = Hold the horses. Can anyone help with: Put logs in the grate (5 words) You Lee and no peckers, will stay out of trouble,... ...
All the answers are idioms i.e Pouring pets = raining cats and dogs. I'm stuck on this one : Tops in two planets (4 words) any ideas would be great. Thanks in advance!