Apologies to the moaners and thanks to them for the 19a.
I actually wrote this (i) for the benefit of those newcomers who seem to really appreciate the occasional easy ride and (ii) in response to complaints from others here during a run of very testing puzzles, over-complex preambles and too much time required staring at completed grids wondering how to finish. A less testing puzzle was always going to be Ma'amite, sorry if it came as an insult to anyone's clearly superior intellect.
At least I have saved at least one stamp, reduced the need for 'cheating' for a week, and given Alekhine and Z something to do looking for omissions - which were in fact deliberate rejections as they required far too much license to be allowable as genuine thematic items.
This 11D's all my own work contendo even if somewhere a doppelganger exists.
Seriously, all views are welcome, and I'm pleased that a few enjoyed it - but I suspect that all should be prepared for a stinker next week.