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ceilog | 10:40 Tue 27th Nov 2012 | Crosswords
8 Answers
8a almost remove Romany with disorder of the lungs (9) i have no letters thanks


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granuloma ?
Pulmonary - of the lungs
almost remove =pul(l)
Romany with disorder anagram of romany
this crossword is impossible to finish as there is no clue for 21d
anser to 21d is MOAT
How do you know the answer to 21d is MOAT when no clue has been printed?
I recall that the clue refers to an extinct bird (MOA) and the T comes from the last letter of another word (brought, I think it was)
Some people know the clue so maybe it's in some copies of RT (or online?) or someone has rung up the RT

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