Jammies on! Welcome to the Mad Over Fifties Pyjama Party!
Tonight's Tailcock, the "Nightcap" a potent brew guaranteed not to send you to sleep (at first anyway). In addition to the usual selection of horses doovers and volly vonts, tonight's "hot plate" will be a delicious Mince and dumpling pie (courtesy of the Hairy bikers, thank you) also on the pudding trolley is a delicious fruit crumble and custard.
The minstrels will be back in the gallery playing a selection of mardigals and fugues and as a special treat, some lullabies and later on their interpretaion of the greatest hits of ZZ Top. For your further delight, we bring you at great expense the Performing Penguin Parade of Mr. Percival Potter! Who will be performing outside on the newly refurbished ice rink! A real treat indeed.
For the rofl I offer: 1 cat grooming brush (unused)
Pair of ice skates - one with a blunt blade
a cushion and a tie to attach it to the "derriere" in case
of slippage on the ice.
Carriages or sleighs will arrive at midnight.
Welcome to all who dare enter the portals on Nungate Towers
Igor, you will have to remove your chains, they are slowing you down this evening, service must be a little faster for our guests. I shall call Plant to help you.
Note to self: must find a footman to assist Igor, Plant realy ought not be away from his duties in the greenhouses............
You are spoiling me. Still, at least we got 1 point today.
Tell me, how do I get italics? Have a new laptop, not yet mastered it and you are so accomplished!
write [i] and put it next to the word/words you want in italics with a space between the square-bracketed i and the first word. At the end put another [] with an i in the middle of the square brackets and no space.
Not the use of "" etc neutralises the italic effect for some bizarre reason.
Yes Daisy, three would have been so much better though.
Right this is how to do italics.
using the square brackets and lower case i, [ i ] Aston Villa [ i ]. but no gaps between the square brackets and lower case i and what ever you choose to write.
Give it a go Daisy.