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Daily Telegraph General Knowledge (Gk) Saturday December 22Nd 2012

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jellybun | 23:34 Sat 22nd Dec 2012 | Crosswords
6 Answers
I have a problem with one question any help appreciated. 71d Type of reference work compiled by denis diderot 12L Is the answer encyclopedia or encyclopedie as Google gives both?


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ia, I'd say
Encyclopédie is the French name of the work he edited. I'd think the clue needs the English spelling.
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Thank you all I wanted to be sure as it is a £500 prize, not that I've got much chance of winning. A happy Christmas to you all.
You've as much chance of winning as anybody else. But that's probably a slim one.

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Daily Telegraph General Knowledge (Gk) Saturday December 22Nd 2012

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