I bought the Times today because I saw the jumbo crossword being referred to, this morning, on AB.
I have not tried a Times cryptic before and am finding it quite difficult. I have searched for other questions on here but there don't seem to be any apart from one asking about the easier, non cryptic clues.
Is it a lot easier than I think, as no one has asked for any help or am I being really thick today?
So far, in the last half hour I've managed to do three.
I try to do this one regularly, it is indeed VERY cryptic! Often several clues in the clue, if you see what I mean! Just persevere, and don't be afraid to ask for help.
You're very welcome - you're sure to get more help here if you need it.
PS. I do the Times Jumbo crossword every week and I have to say I found this one easier than many others! Other people might disagree, but as you say, there haven't been requests for help today.
If a crossword is not challenging, it's not worth doing! I've been doing the times cryptic jumbo for about 8 years, I look forward to it every week. Keep your completed (or not-so-complete) crossword and check it against the answers in a couple of weeks time. From the correct answers, you can break down the clue and understand what the compiler is asking of you. And three in half an hour is not bad for your first time (probably quicker than me, but hey ho!)
It sometimes helps if you don't start at the first across or first down clue, but try starting with the last clue in the across and down sections. I have noticed that the last across and the last down clues are sometimes easier to crack, as if the setter has got fed up, and written a less-complicated clue, saying to himself, 'Oh, blow it, I've had enough of this.'