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mra1 | 17:58 Fri 22nd Apr 2016 | Crosswords
15 Answers
Have been ages at this but have finally whittled it down to the lastfour plus 2 I need confirmed! 22 ac Like quotes here in part , a state that's initially deficient (8) T???LESS : 26 ac Ruff, female version, blue, top missing, found on Juliet's shanks R???Y; 15 down page with unknown people at end of Hamlet - Rosencrant's addition (9) ?N?????T: 23 across Cruel lover eg "lust breathed Tarquin" having change of heart, thou commented ?A?D?T

1 down One Titus, a lord we hear works out at Bacchanal (B?C ?H?N?L) but dont get the parsing and similarly 24 down one to help overcoming widow's daughter DIANA?
This is an absolute stonker!!


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26. Ree ky. From Romeo and Juliet
Ree female ruff + (s)ky - blue

ANNE Page - Merry Wives of Windsor
unknown = X
people = MEN
end of hamleT = T

said by Rosencrantz in Hamlet
Question Author
Thank you Slaney that makes 15 down A?N???E?T (just noticed I left the A off when I posted first!
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Thank you very much for that Bibblebub
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That makes 22 across T?X?LESS - presumably textless - anyone any thoughts on my provisional answer to 1 down?
24d: one to help overcoming = 'an aid' reversed = DIA NA
but haven't figured out which widow yet
1d: is Bacchanal part of the clue? or does the clue end with the word 'at'?
Question Author
Sorry no the actual clue is One Titus, a lord we hear
22a: state = TEX [texas]
that's initially = T
deficient = LESS
Question Author
The last letter is L My original post is correct - ignore the later reference please!
1d: clue sounds like "tight as a lord" i.e. drunk
Question Author
Bibblebub whatever would I do without you! Many thanks yet again
thanks for providing a bit of mental work-out

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