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Saturday's Express Crusader

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JandyAF | 22:54 Sun 10th Jul 2016 | Crosswords
18 Answers
Still stuck on the last few, and grateful for any help. 2d) Call about Eastern hospital room providing satisfaction (9) - I have R?I?R?I?G. 3d) Fruit given for present, say (7) - I thought this could be CURRANT, but for 10a) Possibly the wrong test for supportive person (5,2,8) I have TRIAL OF STRENGTH, and the L would be the third letter of 3D).


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2 Rewarding

E Ward in Ring
2d rewarding
2d. rewarding
10 Tower of strength
2 Ring about ward - rewarding
tower of strength
-- answer removed --
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A great big thank you to all.
Currant is correct as it sounds like current (present).
Some good team work, always good to get them done before bed. No waking at 3am with a speculative answer.
2 down is rewarding
3 down current
10 across tower of strength
anyone know the answer to 11 across?
If you tell us the clue...

anyone know the answer to 11 across?
almost convinced by fathers small cap.
11a Sur(e) + Pas + s = surpass
Sur(e) pa's s (top)
Surpass, cap. Sur(e), almost certain +Pas/Pa's +S/small.
many thanks, all makes sense when I change current to currant.

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Saturday's Express Crusader

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