Private Eye in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Private Eye

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Daij | 15:39 Fri 27th Jan 2017 | Crosswords
13 Answers
6a Big Brother sort of thing – crap sort here’s no different (8,7)
???O???? / ???R???
12a A Republican state’s a Republican state (8)
22a Conservative getting jail sentence: “it flies!” (8)
21d Moderate Trump – i.e. tempered once temperature’s dropped (6)
4d Sun exposure led to this cutting short of PM with the anxious trembling (4,10)
???? / ??????T?O?

Thanks in advance
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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12 Arkansas - A R Kansas.
22 Bluebird - Blue +Bird/sentence.
21 Umpire, moderate - Trump+ie, anagrammed, after removing the T.temperature,
4 Heat Exhaustion
6 Snoopers Charter . It looks like an anagram, but I haven't checked.
6 is anag - crap sort heres no
4d heat exhaustion?
Thanks, Canary42 - I knew the answer was correct, and was too lazy to check the anagram.
Tilly2, ^^
Just seen it, NAC. I was away with my pencil and paper. Sorry.
Tilly2, at the risk of sounding Australian... no worries.
That's OK neveracrossword - I was the opposite - I had decided the anagram but hadn't worked it out :-)
Canary42, I did this crossword yesterday, so today's 'solving' meant simply glancing at my completed grid.
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Thanks to you all

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