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donny48 | 12:15 Tue 07th Feb 2017 | Crosswords
21 Answers
It might be my imagination but we seem to be getting postings with little or no information gar more frequently.


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far more.
Yes, I noticed that too donny
Vary true Donny
if they can't be bothered to give a letter count i can't be bothered to try to help
In fairness, a lot of newbies have appeared recently :)
Yes very true, and far more people not saying thanks, which I think is only polite
It must be to do with unfamiliarity with the new site
Agreed, Margo :(
Jo, how often do we post Crossword Guidelines which are mostly totally ignored?
Yes, and very few of the usual crew who do the Daily Mail crossword. Maybe they're put off by the new layout which looks ridiculous on my 23 inch screen. Like one of those library books for the partially sighted, though I understand that the type needs to be this big for people to read it on their smartphones. BTW, does anyone know what happened to Robocop?
Michael, Robotcop was banned some time ago.
In the last two days, Danny, probably a gazillion times ;o)
I agree with you Ellie May I had some difficulty yesterday with the new system yesterday on my iPad and the upshot was my posting was sent by accident and within a minute Donny had posted the guidelines to me while I was striving to correct the problem. Perhaps there are more being posted because people are too quick to criticise. I'm certainly not a 'newbie' and am well aware of the accepted protocol. Better to let the new system settle in before jumping on the bandwagon.
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LGP, there was no implied criticism in posting guidelines merely trying to help.
I know you were Donny but I ignored the link anyway like so many others do.
As was I. No offence intended with my use of the word 'newbie'. I also posted a another link for people who were perhaps having difficulty using the new site.
LGP, Can I ask why you ignored the link?
Yes Danny I already knew what was in it.
Fair enough. :-)
I think the main issue has been that the question box is now more or less where the search box was.

It's my guess that a fair few info less threads have been attempts at searches.

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