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Darh | 08:58 Thu 27th Sep 2018 | Crosswords
61 Answers
Would anyone know a word for Corkscrew with seven letters which are E?U?I?R now I’m almost sure these letters are right but can’t come up with en answer


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If a Harvester is a large spider, that'd give the T for 'entwine'.
09:42 Thu 27th Sep 2018
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The first letter E comes from the clue Equable I put ans temperate which fits with all other clues so I end up with E?U?I?R
On page 1, Nac suggested harvester for the spider. Would that fit?
Mamta,I like Entwist and Stud.
It's so difficult not seeing the grid, I wish Bernie had replied yesterday we might have been wiser.
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Here are all the clues for the First Equable 9letters second large spider 9 letters Third clue join a union 5 letters Fourth clue small nail 4 letters I’ve ended up with E?U?I?R
would unify instead of unite make a difference?
Forget that. They both begin with U
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Bernie has the exact same letters for clue
Nearest I can get now is equator. :-( What clue did you have to arrive with an "i" In your letters given please?
join a union 5 letters

Darth has 'Unite' to give the 'i'
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The I comes from the clue Join the union 5 letters U???E I put unite
How about merge for an r instead of the i for unite?
Unite looks correct- to join and Unite is a union.
A bit obscure but -
EDUCTOR (something that draws out) + UPTIE (for 'unite').
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Won’t work retrocop the clue that gives me the u is abstract,collective,common the ans is noun which gives the U
Darh, I thought tarantula gave you the 'u'?
Noun gives the 'U' to start 'Unite'

Darth, which publication is this?

Any possibility it is available to view online?
Perhaps the clues to the letters we haven't got may help i.e. 2nd 4th and 6th?
There may not be clues for those ones
I think you should check the entries in Chambers for EDUCTOR (under 'educe') and UPTIE (towards the end of the entry for 'up').

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