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highbury57 | 20:59 Thu 31st Jan 2019 | Crosswords
16 Answers
Trips playing unknown stretto about middle of opera(9)T.R.E.T.S
Anagram of stretto with e (middle of opera) and x or y for the unknown? Or is it three....?
Last one before the snow brings the country to a halt.


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Trips or trios?
Question Author
Ah yes. Trios.
Anything to do with these?
How does that parse please?
wordplay is anagram (playing) of STRETTO and E (middle of opEra) plus Z (an 'unknown' in algebra), but I am not sure of the definition- presumably to do with trios. (I thought these were ballet shoes)
Question Author
Thanks both of you. In an increasingly weirder TLS crossword anything is possible but for the Trio Terzetto to be in the public domain would be recherche in the extreme. But you have certainly put me on to something about which I knew nothing but now a little more!
Thanks ff
Actually I now think that's not where teh answer comes from.
Terzetto seems to bean opus for a trio (2 violins and a viola). This must have given the artists the idea for their name
And the trio can be other combinations too: 3 flutes or violin, cello, viola, etc
Question Author
Far happier with that explanation which is erudite enough. The first one still deserves some kind of award for recherchiness if you’ll pardon my French!
I know it's solved, but it really is just another word for - Trios
Question Author
It may well be solved but can England take a wicket in the test match. No! They cannot.
I'll not sleep now ;-)
A terzetto of stumps.
Question Author
My need for sleep trumps their incompetence.

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