Please parse these for me.
1. Proportion being observant, but missing palindrome. Ans Per cent . Thought it might be something to do with perceptive but that doesn't seem to work.
2. Connection via Central Line to Circle Line. Ans diameter. The central line of a circle could be the diameter and the circle line could be a tangent . Or a circle line could just be the diameter. Anyway can't get there.
3. Literal equivalent of quick dash on motorway. Ans Misprint =Mi sprint but ...?
4.Tell about one going missing subsequently. Ans later. Something to do with relate backwards but that would be etaler.
5. Person working in one theatre or another. Ans Dresser. I know a dresser works in a theatre but can't see it.
6.Common remark after spotting one working on deal. Ans sawyer = timber worker but can't get the common remark.
Thanks -that came from two of them.