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Spec 2683 Hint Please For Highlight

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quinol | 10:16 Fri 06th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
17 Answers

couldn't be 'valete' could it? hints gratefully received



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That's what I have.

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many thanks profmaisie

I'm finished but for the quote. Can someone give me the first word that starts at square 1, please? I think I have the last 4 words, but I'm stumped.

Never mind! My perseverance paid off.

My perseverance hasn't paid off. I'd like some help with the quote please.

Tilly2,  it's hard to hint. The words beginning at 5 A (7 letters)and from the fourth letter in the last column (6 letters) rhyme.  Maybe that'll help, with ODQ. 

Question Author

I gave a pretty broad hint in another thread

I don't have an ODQ and, although I know what the missing last word is, I haven't a scooby about the quote.

I'll press on trying to work out those rhyming words.

Thank you both.

Question Author

song cole

That sounds like a good clue. I'll have a look. Thank you, Quinol.

Porter or Nat King?

Porter, Tilly2.

Thank you, NAC. x

Tilly2, have you got it?

Yes, Matakari. I have. Phew!

Tilly2, great to hear you've got the quote now. Ciao....!

Au revoir, NAC.


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Spec 2683 Hint Please For Highlight

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