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listener 3975: The cause of much pain by samuel

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midazolam | 17:31 Fri 28th Mar 2008 | Crosswords
36 Answers
this weeks listener is out

hopefully it is not that painful


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Oh dear, I had no intention of replying but I am not Mr Teuton. Why asperse that fine gentleman ?

Have I opened an old can of worms here?
Angrysolver was a green user-name until just a few weeks ago. When I first saw it back then and the comments attached thereto, I thought, "Hello! You're not really a newbie, are you?"
So, as for the use of aliases, I suspect more than one AnswerBanker has some fessing up to do! I even have my doubts about Scorpius. If I'm wrong about either or both of apologies. No apologies, however, for dismissing out of hand Listenerites' attitudes to their own and other puzzles.

Finally I do feel that I have an apology to make - having been the unwitting cause of Robert Teuton's very good name being dragged into this.

My apology is sincere and very humble.

I'll get me coat and size twelves.

A lesson has been learned.
So what are your doubts about me, Quizmonster, and why do you have them? I registered with 'answerbank' only recently, and I have posted only under this pseudonym. I cannot imagine why you made your comment. It would appear that newcomers are not welcome.
This thread is just getting more and more and unpleasant.
I should have thought it perfectly obvious what my "doubts about you" were, Scorpius. I had - immediately prior to my comment about you - stated that I suspected Angrysolver was not a new member of AnswerBank. (New members' names are printed in green on the site...just as yours is above.) My doubt, therefore, was whether you were really a new member either. Your tone and language sounded familiar...that is all. Simple as that.
You claim you are new, so fair enough...I had already apologised if it turned out that I was wrong, so don't expect me to do it again.
Nothing I said had even a suggestion that I considered newcomers unwelcome, so goodness knows where you got that idea from. Once you've been on the site for a while, you will find that aliases are sometimes employed by people who would rather not have it known who is really making a given point.
Perhaps I should explain to you that my belief re prize crosswords is as follows...

"Either all prize crossword clues are sacrosanct or none are. The Listener is not an exception."

I'm not going to explain any further...been there, done, if you want to find out more about my and others' attitudes to Listenerites, just put "Listener" into the site-search at the bottom of the page and trawl through some of the offerings.
Perhaps someone could write a crossword-themed novel using this thread as the basis for the storyline ? The tale could start a couple of week's ago with Crosswit winning the Silver Salver, from which point Scorpius (brilliant name for a hero, and no, it's not me before you ask, QM) vows to unmask the fellow.
Along the way QM is involved in an acttion-packed duel with QM, before we discover that Crosswit is none other than........ Angrysolver .......... Gasp !!!!!! But are we any closer to their true identity, and what terrible fate could await them at the Listener 4000 Dinner ?

This has all the makings of a great thriller ........... lets have some suggestions for the next chapter please folks.

Well I think we will need a female character in here, so I'll offer myself as a not-entirely clueless (I'd hardly be doing the L:istener if I were) brunette (sorry) who chats up all you superintelligent men in the hopes of learning how to finish more puzzles than she does at present. Maybe I could be a waitress and eavesdrop at the dinner...
Enjoyed this week's puzzle BTW
Quizmonster, you should have kept your suspicions to yourself, since that's all they were - suspicions. Of course I feel unwelcome; the first message I posted on this thread (which was an attempt to bring the thread back to the puzzle) is only the third or fourth message I've posted on this site, yet you harboured some completely unfounded suspicion that I'm a veteran poster under a new guise, merely because I supported another poster in his objection to a comment made at the beginning of the thread. Apologies in advance for such an ill-supported suspicion, publically aired, are pretty meaningless (not that I'm looking for any further apology).
Nor do I have any interest in searching the site for your views on prize crosswords (or anything else for that matter) since they are completely irrelevant to anything I have said on this thread, since I haven't touched on the ethics of discussing prize crosswords in advance of the solution.
I'm fairly surprised to find that only around 4 of 24 messages have anything to do with the puzzle (though I cannot hold you responsible for that). If this is typical I cannot really see the point of these threads.

How ironic that the title of Samuel's puzzle is "The Cause of Much Pain".
Thanks for that suggestion Patch - you sound like a highly discerning young lady, and your character gets my vote. But please, lets have some more suggestions everyone ....

BTW This week's puzzle is being (properly) discussed elsewhere, thanks to midazolam's wisdom
Nicely observed Scorpius. What with the debate about collusion with "Collusion" and now this "painful" skirmish" it is clear the Listener crossword reaches parts of our collective unconsciousnesses that ordinary crosswords don't even touch. I think that wannabe solvers should be warned.....

I like your idea for a novel. Even better might be an epic movie in which the impostor-hunters are foiled when everyone in succession stands up and declares "I'm Scorpius". After which, everyone would be crucified and this sorry thread would be put out of its misery.
Wow .. disliking the general tone here, I decamped to the other thread assuming that things would eventually quiten down on this one. On returning, I see that the worms are still well and truly out of the can.
May I just say to Scorpius welcome to this forum and sorry you have been subjected to such a spiteful attack so early in your career here ... you are not the first (I certainly beat you to it) and will doubtless not be the last to be attacked by Quizmonster who delights in attacking anyone who exhibits the slightest "Listenerite" opinions in his view.
Stick with it, you may just find that some threads are much more puzzle-specific - only a few tend to be hijacked.
And, further to your earlier observation Scorpius, don't worry about the nonsensical entries which remain - that's often par for the course - and if you consider the amount of shifting which took place, it would have been almost the most perfect puzzle ever if everything remaining made sense.
Do stick around, You'll realise that most people here will make you feel welcome!.
Thanks, cluelessJoe, for your welcoming and encouraging comments. I did begin to wonder whether there was another thread on the puzzle, but hadn't got round to searching for it.

Mysterons, the note of levity you introduced into this thread was much needed. Thanks for that also.
Far from "harbouring a completely unfounded suspicion" about you, Scorpius, I explained precisely what my suspicion was founded on! I wrote, "Your tone and language sounded familiar." I was, it seems, mistaken in my suspicion, but that does not mean I was barred from having it, surely. Many people are suspected of 'crimes' they are not guilty of.
Did you bother to read what I wrote? I suspect not and that, too, is typically Listenerite behaviour.
And there is still not the merest hint that I did not welcome newcomers to AnswerBank in anything I have ever written here. I expressed suspicions about "fake newcomers" alias-users...only. Hence, what did YOU base your suspicion that I decried ALL newcomers on? Perhaps you should have kept it to yourself, eh?

I like the novel idea, Mysterons! Clearly, the Listenerites in it are a vicious, self-serving group with notions of grandeur and demands that they be treated uniquely in society. As ever, the "little man" triumphs in the end, though, by scuppering their every attempt to prevent people having access to their secrets!
You're a wonderful character, Quizmonster (aptly named - you have a monstrous ego). Now that I realise that you're not to be taken seriously I can enjoy your rants.
You write:
"Did you bother to read what I wrote? I suspect not and that, too, is typically Listenerite behaviour. "
More unfounded suspicions, Im afraid (do you suffer from paranoia?). Yes, I did read what you wrote.

I have no idea what you mean by "typically Listenerite" behaviour; it's a pretty silly generalisation. People who tackle The Listener are a pretty varied lot in my experience.
If you mean to imply that I'm one of those who get very worked up about any discussion of current Listener puzzles, why would I have contibuted to what little discussion there was of Listener 3975?
Don't bother to reply. I shan't waste my time coming back to this thread.
So, you read what I wrote but just didn't understand it, Scorpius. I see. My apologies for imagining that you simply hadn't bothered to do so, but you can surely see what occasioned my a failure on your part to notice a 'foundation' when one was quite clearly stated.

It has never ceased to amaze me that, when Listenerites express their viewpoint, they deem it always to be the voice of sweet reason and light, but, when anyone disagrees with them, they deem it a rant. There seems to be a special 'course' you have go on to learn the appropriate buzz-words?

I'd forgotten that you were a newcomer, so my apologies for my part in your failure to understand the word 'Listenerite'. If you want to know what I mean by it, you need go no further than considering why someone would call himself Angrysolver. And, to understand why he has no right to be angry with anyone here on AnswerBank, I suggest you read the site's stated raison d'�tre as set out on the Home Page. It says,

"Ask questions, get answers. No matter how outrageous..."

It does not apply in this thread, but obviously I have no idea whether asking/answering specific queries about Listener clues strikes you as 'outrageous' but the people I refer to as 'listenerites' certainly do. Indeed, I might even go so far as to say they rant about it! I disagree with them.

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