cluelessJoe and midazolam, yours are usually among the voices of reason on this board, so it's disheartening to see you encouraging the us-and-them mentality so beloved by the patently certifiable QuizMonster.
It's a leap of illogic unworthy of any Listener solver to conclude from DH's musing, "Perhaps the rumour going round, that several of the all-corrects were incorrect, is true", that either "pre-result-posting whispers" or "wheeler-dealing" occurred among solvers (apart from the ones on this board, of course - we know they do it because they do it in public).
And then, leaping from the supposition that some posters on the other board might have somehow tried to influence the judging unfairly (that is your accusation, isn't it?) to the evidently fallacious extrapolation that those are the same people who campaign here for an embargo on answers before the deadline? That's pure tribalism.