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JULIEWOOLIE | 18:22 Sat 09th May 2009 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Noisily I establish support -quietly I directed the flow P?L?D?I??? Any ideas?Julie


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Yes I thought of that but cant explain it?Julie
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Well done! can you explain 35ac disarray wallacia?
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oh & 53ac trill?(being cheeky now)
what are the clues,dont have the paper?
Hi Julie - may I?

35a Disarray - 'arras', a wall hanging, around & in 'DIY'
53a Trill - a musical ornament within a scale - 'Till' (dig) + R(ex)
Sorry wallacia, I didn't refresh...
Question Author
Hi Lie in King excellent! & Many Thanks Julie
np lie-in king.

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