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cruciverbali | 09:37 Thu 17th Sep 2009 | Crosswords
43 Answers
We mourn the passing of another free link .

Let's just hope that the Grauniad ensures a future for Azed - here is this week's puzzle:


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Try this link. I am a subscriber.
15:02 Thu 17th Sep 2009
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You have certainly helped our overseas colleagues in that respect mintyman, so on their behalf thanks again ! If the Editor is correct, as reported by K above, we should all have access to this one by the 'front door' next Thursday, but 7 days could make a big diff if you live in Oz (or there's a postal strike).
dr b you can download it from here.
Thank you, Mintyman. I walked all the way into town, tried every newsagent (that is, all three of them) None had even heard of the Speccie. Don't worry, Cruciverb, the're on strike in London & are balloting soon for a nationwide strike, so you won't be at that much of a disadvantage.
Many many thanks mintyman99
Thanks Rollo but I only get

"The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."

from your link. Oh well; I have no problems waiting till next week.
Many thanks, Mintyman -- I was beginning to wonder what to do on the train home this evening.
Thanks very much Mintyman.

Somehow Thursday's wouldn't be the same without it.

Sad but true!
Mintyman99, I would love to know how you got it. I am a subscriber and can log in but can't get the crossword. Many thanks.
There was something wrong with the btinternet server, but it is working OK now.
w00t! I am spec-ified. thanks mintyman (and rollo for the news)
Many thanks mintyman for that selfless gesture. All power to your prize winning elbow!
Thank you mintyman99, but please be assured I will not be submitting a completed grid, will not be adversely affecting your odds of winning a prize! I just enjoyed the puzzle!
Thank you VERY MUCH mintyman99! I've had no problem with the link, so can do my weekly mental exercises. Can we rely on you every Thursday - I hope so!
Thanks also Cruciverbali re your offer to convert book vouchers into cash if I win Azed. I had thought that I could post them to someone in the UK, who could then deposit the cash into my PayPal account or send me a cheque in GBP. The NZ banks take a month to clear GBP personal cheques but there again, I'm not complaining. Azed doesn't give a specific deadline date, just says postmarked no later than Saturday - am I right that for this coming weekend's that gives me until Sat 26 Sept - do they accept postmarks from outside the UK? If I posted this week's Airmail on Monday 21Sept. in theory it should get to London in time, but I might be wasting the postage if it doesn't...
P.S. I hope they don't discover who the circumventers are at Speccie HQ or they might disqualify us - if our entries arrive too early for non subscribers!
Thank you very much mintyman - I had resigned myself to waiting until next week.
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I'm certain that all postmarks are acceptable crucifernz. This weekend's Azed puzzle entry needs to be franked by 26 September, as you say. I suppose what folks overseas really need to know is when the actual draw is made, especially as I believe there are serious postal delays affecting London in particular at the moment. I wonder whether an entry postmarked after the 26th but arriving before the draw is made would really be rejected? I will make enquires !

Thanks for all your efforts Cruciverbali. I will see what happens with this Weekend's Azed, though with postal delays in the UK, even if it leaves NZ on the next plane... I've also just signed up for a trial period with the Telegraph's CluedUp Xwd Club - very competitive. It makes it very clear that overseas online submissions DO NOT qualify for the weekly and monthly draws. However, it's perhaps worth membership for a month or so to gather up some Enigmatic Variations puzzles.
... and thanks again to mintyman - this one definitely appealed to my sweet tooth. By the way, did you notice last week's announced winners ? Now that's what I call a Swiss roll !
Just to add my belated thanks to Mintyman et al. as I've only just run it off. As I am also outside the U.K am grateful to get it in advance of the official date.
Hi Cruciverbali
Have just finished today's Azed and will post to London tomorrow. Will let you know if I need to cash GBP25 in Book tokens!

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