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Times Jumbo 849

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crockshard | 18:01 Fri 25th Dec 2009 | Crosswords
3 Answers
I have completed it, but can someone please explain where the 'passion' comes from in 53a: Broadcaster and doctor in group of celebs with a passion (8,5). A?I?T?I? C?O?E.I have Alistair Cooke).


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ALISTAIR COOKE = broadcaster

doctor = cook (as in "cook the books")
group of celebs = a-list
a = a
passion = ire

alist a ir-cook-e
Question Author
Thanks, Jumbuck! I so hate not to understand! I assumed 'doctor' was just 'sort out the clue' - it was the passion that had me really foxed!
Hope you are having a good Christmas!
you're welcome

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Times Jumbo 849

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