23A. To put off tenancy payments,it's a discouragement - ?E???R?N?
24A. During work journey, I can carelessly liaise - ?O???N?C???
29A. One in French left, terrible, as illegal
36A. See-through patterns ran randomly - ?R?N???R?N?S
46A. Revealing story of famous Swiss marksman - Telltale?
50A. I'd clean out wound when getting immunised - ?N?C???T??
16D. Race Official in agitated state on a road S???A?D
20D. I turned round to poke nose in - I?????E
31D. Awful, as unpronounceable - ?N???A?A???
Help with any of the above might help me finish the crossword. Really having a bad day today. Thanks in anticipation - Hoaroak