Stuck on 42 ACROSS (6) _AL_S_ (Unclued light) - I also belive there's an 'O' in there somewhere as part of 8 Letter Clued Light which is made up of the incorrect letters....
As indirect help (without actually giving me the solution), it would help if I could locate the 8th 'extra word' in the definitions - I have 7 of them at 14 ACROSS, 18 ACROSS, 40 ACROSS, 11 ACROSS, 13 ACROSS, 19 ACROSS and 36 ACROSS
A word of caution with this one - 24 across should read 'Golden State' (CA) rather than 'Sunshine State' (FA). I've seen this error before recently, uncharacteristic for this setter, but then some of the other clues were also a bit dodgy. ‘Concocting’ is otiose in 35 down, and could have easily been confused with an extra definition, and there is really no definition in 1 down, which falls short of being a proper &lit.