Yes you have guessed it - Lady and Ludship are once more a meandering the highlands.
TTFN is once more rusting in Dorset by an unruly hedge.
The buffet table in the best drawing room is groaning with the weight of many delights, including a hand raised game pie with home made piccalilli, Garlicky mushroom voltra vons.
This week's guest tailcock is the infamous 'Leg-up' we all need one now and then.
For the riffle I bring
3 pink hairnets
Half a jar of pickled walnuts.
5 yards of knicker elastic (surplus to requirements)
pkt of Doileys
So welcome one and all, I have lit the fire - so should be nice and cosy.
Evening everybody. Do worry about people in hedges. What happens if they get flailed?
Could do with a reviving leg up. Just seen the Premier League Table. Realise the two Manchester teams are still to play, but my team at the top of the table? Nearly swooned there.
For the gruffalo I have:
1 tomato plant which has refused to flower
1 oleander which has done nothing for over a year
A sachet of conditioner for his beautiful pelt