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HAZELDEAN | 14:19 Thu 08th Sep 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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2. West 11 Thanks for any help.


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Good afternoon Judy, We'll abandon the "Maureen" and "Anne" then. I don't like the names much either. Sorry about you losing your mum so young. It must have been terrible but did you have a nice dad who looked after you. I couldn't have coped. My mum was lovely but my dad never took any notice of us and I only got on with him after my mum died in the '80s.
As to you being thrown in the swimming pool, for some reason I have always hated water (I do have a wash now and again though!!) and did everything I could to get out of swimming lessons at school.
Now, quizes. Because we have a caravan in the Lake District and my friend Bill in the next van goes into Kendal every Saturday we always have about eight on the go. Never seen this anywhere else but they do loads up there and leave them in the butchers/ cafes/ newsagents for you to buy. We do them separately then meet up in Bill's garden to have a good old argument and a glass of wine over the answers. Sometimes we win £5 or £10 but we spend a fortune on stamps. I DO get them off the Answerbank as well and I have just finished the MAGPAS London Tube Stations quiz. I enjoyed that but a few of my answers are a bit doubtful. I have about twelve to go on the Macmillan quiz but am really struggling now. Everytime a name is mentioned on the TV or on the text I rush off to see if it fits anything.
Been another lovely day here but windy again and clouding over now.
Forgot to tell you that the cast comes off in four weeks but I am managing better every day.
I don't (like you) know if we are supposed to keep up our own little correspondence page but we haven't discouraged anyone from joining in and if any of the "AB police" complain then they are SAD PEOPLE. I can't see that we are doing any harm.
Have a good evening, Kate x
Hi Kate
No, my dad went back to Ireland so my mum's spinster sister adopted me and she was a lovely, kind lady. I've got three quizzes on the go at the moment and struggling with all of them. Frightened to ask for help on AB and the crossword site in case I get my head bitten off by one of the border guards! You're doing better than me with the Macmillan quiz I've still got loads to solve. Some of the answers I've got are so long it's hard to fit them on the quiz sheet but I emailed Richard and he kindly said it would be okay to submit them on another sheet of paper. It poured down with rain here yesterday afternoon but today is bright and sunny.

Take care and speak soon.

Love Judy x
Hi again Kate

I still have 21 to solve on the Macmillian quiz. Apparently there are two alternative answers for question 3. Just solved No. 40 which was giving me a headache! Love Judy x
Hi K - down to 17 now. Love J x
Hiya Judy. Boring day today. Wrist was aching in the night and the cast seemed very loose today so I went to the hospital just in case cos I couldn't bear it to go wrong but they said it is fine, just swelling going down and not to try to do too much. When I got home I volunteered Charlie to change the bed, poor love, he didn't half get in a tangle with the duvet cover and yet he can do practically anything else!!! Funny isn't it the things you take for granted.
Nothing else to report - liver and onions for tea - we haven't done food for a bit have we?
Quizes. I know what you mean about asking for answers. I always try to leave it as late as I can but I think most people love to have a go at them. Sometimes I spend forever trying to get the unanswered ones and am really sad knowing I'll never know what the answers are. I've been stuck on a dingbat for ages but no one else on the site has got it. I have 10 to go on the Macmillan Quiz. They have already had some answers returned it says on the site! Didn't know about the alternative answers for No 3. Can we have either? I've got the Coronation Street one for mine and that's giving nothing away if anyone is vetting us! Also got your Rainbow Quiz now but determined not to look till I've finished the McM (might be dead first!)
If I can't think of anything interesting to tell you tomorrow I'll make something up, As ever Kate xx
Good morning Kate

So sorry to hear that your wrist was playing you up yesterday but pleased that all is well. We had chicken casserole, French green beans and rice last night for dinner. Don't have to cook tonight as Alan is out for the afternoon and evening at the bowling club. It's the aggregate's last game of the season and they are following that with a fish and chip supper.

I've got 15 more to try and solve on the Macmillan quiz but will keep plodding on and hope for inspiration. I've put Corrie for no. 3 but think whatever the other answer is will be accepted too.

As for the Rainbow quiz I'm really struggling with it and still got loads to solve.

Lovely day today hope it stays that way.

Happy quizzing love Judy x
Never seen anything like this before. A thread started by Hazeldean on 8th September and still going strong on 15th as a chat between two ABers. Keep it up girls. I wonder if Hazeldean is still looking for an answer.
Thanks a lot Starbuckone. Saw a different name and thought we were going to get shouted at because we didn't know if we were allowed to do it (though I don't see why not). We will try to think of something interesting for you to read apart from what we are having for tea.
P.S. We have long forgotten about Hazeldean!!
Hiya Judy, this a quick glance to see if you had replied. My pork chops are burning and the dog is complaining that his bowl is empty so I will get back to you after Eggheads! Kate x
Hiya Judy, Back again now, a bit late cos a visitor called. Charlie is out as well tonight at a car club meeting so we could have a night in together and a natter over a bottle if we weren't 200 miles apart!! As we have no Tardis, we'll have to do it together separately. I am going to watch Monty Hall's Great Escape with Monty and Reuben his dog. I think he's pretty fit (and Monty isn't bad either). So Alan has gone bowling (I assume you mean crown green and not ten-pin). That is a little slice of English life that is dying round here, shame. When I was a kid, all the pubs had bowling greens, now they've all been sold off and houses built on them. Only a few left.
Been a glorious day here. Went to Costco for loads of goodies and free cakes and coffee then took the dog for a nice walk and a paddle (dog, not me) in the fishing pond.
McMillan Quiz - three left now but don't think I will ever get 13. About three of my answers, although I'm sure they are right, I can't completely work the clues out. As for your number 40, Charlie got that straight off. He hates quizes and goes into groan-mode if I ask him a question but occasionally humours me and when I read that one out he said it's ---. He said were there any more about cars but there weren't. Still, he tried.
Right, off now to get my bottle between my knees, as per your instructions and have a go at the last three before Monty.
Yours, still plastered and maybe more so later, Kate xx
Hi Kate

Wondered how long it would be before someone picked up on this thread. Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday 'cos I had a 'girlie' night out which was fun. No Alan plays lawn bowls they don't play crown in this part of the country as far as I know. He was presented with a bottle of red wine for helping to run the aggregate and he also won a bottle of white in the raffle so they will keep us going this evening. They play short mat bowls where we live, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings. Starts in October through to April and Alan is seriously thinking about joining them.
You've done very well with the Macmillan Quiz. I've still got ten to solve and haven't got 13 either. There appear to be some peculiar words in the Rainbow Quiz which has got me completely baffled. Someone asked for an answer on the crossword site and I'd never even heard of the word.

If the weather's fine tomorrow we are thinking of going out for the day down to the coast maybe or to a garden centre - we haven't decided yet.

Enjoy your weekend - love Judy x

Forgot to mention that my brainy cousin is back from holiday in Swanage tomorrow so will get her trying to help out. She did solve one of the Rainbow ones for me before she went but even she admitted it is quite a tough quiz.

J x
Hi again Judy, I'VE DONE IT, I'VE DONE IT!!! McMillan Quiz all finished. Finally got 13 after exploring all avenues but I'd never heard of her. There were no new quizes in Kendal last week so - apart from that one dratted dingbat - I am all straight and can now start your Rainbow quiz.
You seem to have an interesting life, coming and going. Am I to assume that both Alan and you are people of leisure and do not go to work? You can't possibly be a senior citizen!! (Feel free to shout at me if I am being nosy!!).
No happenings today, monsoon of biblical proportions this afternoon and haddock and strawberries (not together) for tea.
Actually going back to the caravan for a week (unless rained off) on Sunday. Not been since my argument with the caravan steps whilst carrying a plate of barbecued meat on August Monday. Might not be in touch then but will explain about that tomorrow cos promised Charlie we'd watch a film together (him watch, me fall asleep) tonight so had better knock off. Love, Kate x
Hi Kate
I'm very impressed that you managed to finish the Macmillan quiz - well done you. I'm still stuck on the same ten although I've emailed my brains of Britain cousin and hope she comes up with something.
We are both seniors although I do work part time from home. I'm into typesetting and design. Presume you don't work but Charlie does.
We didn't get any rain yesterday but it's forecast for today so we are not going on our little outing.
Enjoy your week at the caravan and I hope the weather is kind to you. We're off next Friday on a jazz weekend which friends of ours are hosting so looking forward to that. It's at the South Downs Holiday Village, Bracklesham Bay, Chichester. Think it's a glorified holiday camp with chalet accommodation. Never been to a holiday camp in my life so hope it's going to be okay.
Speak soon.
Love Judy x
Hi Judy, Last definite posting for a while if you are very lucky!!! The problem at the caravan is that we have to rely on a Vodaphone dongle. We have no Broadband and it's very slow but, for some reason this season, we have had no signal at all except for one weekend. If, by some miracle, the signal has been restored, I will make contact but, otherwise, you will have a peaceful week! Your weekend away sounds really good so Hi di hi to you. I love different outings like that. Because Charlie refuses to go anywhere on a bus, I go on about three long weekend coach trips per year with my friend Fran. We have an ace time. We went to Eastbourne at Easter, the weather was unbelievable as you may remember. Thinking about your neck of the woods, we went to Folkestone and we stayed at the Brands Hatch Thistle on the way to Belgium. The trips are dead cheap and the hotels mostly really good.
Can't believe you are an oldie. From your postings you sound dead young. I'm glad really though cos otherwise you might have been put off cos we have both got our bus passes too though Charlie only uses his on the train to Liverpool and the Mersey ferry. I zoom about everywhere on mine. I stayed at the caravan on my own for a few days at the beginning of August and went all over the Lake District on it. Then as a project, I decided to see if I could get home on it AND I DID - 6.5 hours and 5 buses door to door - Charlie laughed cos it only takes 1.25 hours in the car but I said "It was free". The Jeep only does about 18 miles to the gallon, less on short runs, so I was well pleased.
Finally, in answer to your question, neither of us work now. Charlie was made redundant a few years ago and I finished the same year. We have some property that we rent out so that gives us an income. Our own house is falling to bits because we spend all our time and money keeping the others nice!!
Anyway, having bored you rigid, I will go and do a bit of packing and hope for good weather (more monsoons again today). Speak to you ASAP. Kate x
Hi Kate
Will post later 'cos off out now. In the meantime you and Charlie enjoy a great time and we will speak soon hopefully. Can you take Ben with you 'cos my friends have dogs are are not allowed to take them on their site.
Check out The Denise Lawrence Band on Google - they are our friends and we love 'em. Enjoy. Judy with love x
PS Forget to mention earlier I had a few words with someone called Rutlander!
Hi Kate - Just thought I'd write even though you are away. Alan and I much prefer short breaks to two weeks away at a time and neither of us are beach people or sun worshippers. I suffered from a rodent ulcer on my nose some years ago and the medics had the devil's own job trying to remove it - three attempts in fact - so I try to keep out of the sun as much as possible. That's very strange because we were also at Eastbourne for Easter and just to think we might have passed each other in the shops/street! Where did you stay? We were at The Hydro hotel which is slightly out of town heading towards Beachy Head. We like Eastbourne as it's not too far for us to travel, just under 2 hours, and we find it very relaxing. We're back there again end of November as it's my birthday - yet another year older! Back there again for Christmas too. We've managed to sort out our fancy dress outfits for the theme night - 'Viva Las Vegas - a Night at the Casino'. It was a laugh last year, theme medieval, as those participating were asked to assemble in the garden suite before the big parade around the lounges and when we walked in and were handed a glass of champagne, I can't stand the stuff, there was only one female guest plus members of the staff in there dressed up. So Alan and I didn't really have any competition and won a huge box of luxury chocolates.
Can't believe that you are a senior either 'cos you most certainly don't come over like one. Great sense of humour and all that.
We had a monsoon here about 5.30pm yesterday. We have a conservatory and the noise was unbelievable. More rain forecast for today but it hasn't happened yet.
Back to quizzes/crosswords etc. Why are some people so sarcastic for no apparent reason? Still got the same 10 left to solve on the Macmillan quiz - waiting for some input from brainy cousin Peggy who is probably up to her eyes in laundry having been away for two weeks. I'm very slowly improving with the Rainbow L plates one and ONLY have 31 to try and solve now!
Gonna miss our little chats but hope you enjoy a great break.

Love Judy x
Hiya Judy, I'm back. Have missed you. Where to start? Have just got the last answer to the Rainbow Quiz!!! Wish I could help with the McMillan quiz if you are tearing your hair out but I will certainly let you have them just before the posting date (or earlier by e-mail or text if we can figure out a way of doing that). I have looked at your friends site on Google. They are very good. Our site DOES allow dogs, it's doggy heaven. Right on the beach or into the woods where you can walk for miles. Also we are allowed to fence in our gardens. The vans are quite a way away from one another. We aren't overlooked and have a wonderful view. Also we have a lawn, a shed and two big trees. Sadly, though, after 20 years, it is our last season. The caravan has to be replaced and only brand new ones are allowed now. We don't go up enough to justify the cost of that but I will miss the place.
Next, Eastbourne, how strange!! We stayed at the Queens, the big one with a little turret on top by the pier. We went on the tour bus (with bus pass!) to Beachy Head so must have passed your hotel.
Next, I think you must be a clone of me. I can't stand champage either nor anything else that's fizzy.
Found your "Rutlander words". Glad you had some support from other ABers. He sounds a bit strange if you look at this profile. Not very prolific. Thought I didn't know the name.
Finally, you probably won't get this before you go away but hope you have a lovely time. Look forward to hearing all about the yellowcoats when you get back. Lots of love Kate x
P.S. Just winding you up! HAVE got the last answer to the Rainbow Quiz but not the other 99. I have got serious brainfade with it. Hope Bill is having better luck!
Hi Kate
Well we're back from Hi De Hi land at Bracklesham Bay thank goodness. What a disappointment but at least it didn't cost much. It was an old Pontins holiday camp, taken over by Hosesasons and now Richardsons. Apparently when Pontins owned it it was very good but now it's adults only and zimmer frames will travel! Talk about basic. The biggest laugh was when we attempted to take our coffee cups from the dining room to the bar area so we could have a liqueur with it and we weren't allowed. So they gave us some polystyrene beakers to transfer the coffee. They actually thought we intended to pinch the cups can you believe. Well, one lives and learns. The entertainment was good though hosted by our friends Denise and Tony Lawrence. Tony had a bit of a problem as the piano in Gerry's Bar was cream crackered and unplayable. They had to get a piano tuner in who spent hours and hours stripping it down and trying to sort out the problem. He got there eventually but a couple of the keys still weren't working. Tony was well pleased as you can imagine as he is an excellent pianist. On Sunday Denise and Tony performed in the main ballroom and he had his own electronic keyboard so was fine. Why he couldn't use it in Gerrys I do not know. Also an ashtray on the wall just outside reception caught alight. I said to Alan shall I go and get a glass of water from the bar and he said no so I told reception who said they'd get maintenance on the job! 10 minutes later this guy came sauntering over, got half a glass of water and sorted out the problem.

Our next weekend break is at Warner's, Sinah Warren, Hayling Island where they are doing a tribute weeked to Celine Dion plus Frank S and Dean M. Anything will be an improvement on Hi De Hi!

I've actually managed to finish the Rainbow Quiz - don't quite know how and I've got the 50/50 bit so hope my answers are all correct.

Your site sounds idyllic. Such a shame though that it is your last season there. I didn't know you had to update caravans on a site - why if there is nothing wrong with them?

Well, must go and sort out the laundry now.

Take care. Love Judy x
Had we all forgotten that the original question was about a film title??!!

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