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Pick me up puzzle 6 issue 43

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sandy10 | 13:57 Sat 22nd Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
1d:Policemans protective garment (11,4) ?u?????????????
2d:as fast as a vehicle may go (5,5) ?p????????
9d:state of being one (5) ?n???
12a: impossible position (9) ?????m???
17d:dislodge when mounted (8) u??????l?
6d: person good at making things(6,9) ?a?t???r???s?a?
20a: child's play(4,5) ?i???t???
22a:far from subterranean (10) ???k?r?u??
25a:flabbergast(7) ???n?n?

many thanks


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1d) Bulletproof vest
2 speed limit
Bulletproof vest
Speed limit
2d) Speed limit
2d speed limit
9d unity?
17 unsaddle
9 unity
17d. Unsaddle
22a. Overground
6 master craftsman
12a. Stalemate
25a. Astound
6d) Master craftsman
25 astound?
20a kids stuff
22a overground

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Pick me up puzzle 6 issue 43

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