Local crossword in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Local crossword

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Mochiepark | 08:00 Sun 27th May 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
25a The game is a thing of little importance (9) -a-a-----
27a It's very disturbed after presentday misfortune (9) -d-e-----
11d Net used by French watermen (5) ----e
15a End of work can offer delightful attractions, initially (4) c---
17d Almost cover up the fallen debris (5) s----
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25 bagatelle
11d seine
25a. Bagatelle
27a. Adversity
11d. Seine
15a. Coda
17d. Scree
15 in the clue - coda (end of musical work) initial letters of Can Offer Delightful Attractions
17d) SCREE = scree(n)

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Local crossword

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