all answers haconnection ith somthing that has wings or can fly
15 this peers father was a former prime minister(8 3)
19 a lancashire lass? no a south riding girl(5 5)
40 a poorlisould leave you with this (5 10)
44 mum not very tall? the exact opposite (5 4 4)
46 are they at liberty in swansea?(3 7)
thanks for any help
19. Character in 'South Riding'.
44. 1st word, opposite to mummy, 2nd word opposite to short you'll then get 3rd.
50. Sounds like another word for a colour meaning dull. Is a fish and a butterfly.
7 an oxymoronic fungus.
Clue- 2nd word Some people believe thay have a guardian ? A heavenly being.
1st word -another word for ruining.
It might be easier to google it when you get the second word
? second word-a fungus
or just google a list of fungi
Sorry not good at clues
thanks for those clues sorry famous five i didnt get back but thanks to everyone who answered
40 a poor stylist would leave you with this(5 10)
sorry again keyboard playing up last night