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New Macmillan Cancer Support Quiz, TV Programs
Hi there all you quizzers....I have a quiz on sale for Macmillan Cancer Support and The Iceland Moonwalk for Breastcancer, which is a 26 mile Marathon Speedwalk where i will be wearing a decorated bra, this is a similar walk to the London and Edinburgh ones.I have never done a marathon before so its a new one for Me so please help me raise some for this good cause.
This a quiz of 48 fun and cyptic questions to solve to find the name of TV Programs in The Television Programs quiz. Please send a cheque (made payable to Macmillan Cancer Support) for £1 or a £1 coin to Peter Wheatley. 21 Bramley Rd, Market Deeping, Peterborough, PE68JG. with a SAE for the return of the quiz. Thanks Pete
Lets do it big for Macmillan and the Moonwalk .Closing date is 31/5/13 winner to be picked out of hat at our quiz night 06/6/13 the prize is £15. Thanks Peter