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Local Quiz -Last Chance

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pawcards | 19:20 Thu 10th Jan 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Who are these people? LWM,NJE,MJT,CDCR,DMH
Have to hand it in tomorrow - Friday.


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Any clues as to what kind of people they are?
Cheat !
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No, but they will all be related somehow - like prime ministers, poet laureates, etc. in a chronological order
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I was replying to vakayu, thank you.

Bty this whole site is about 'helping' - or cheating if that's what you want to call it.
I am aware of the philosophy of this site and use it myself for crossword assistance but am also aware of the ethos of the Warwick School Quiz. I read the top 'few entries are liable to be complete' and 'any with more than half will gain great credit' . This is like using a mobile in a pub quiz, it's not your skill or credit.
...use it myself for crossword assistance... - you mean those prize crosswords that you have asked about before?
Precisely, but the prize crosswords do not say credit will be given for partial completion and nobody is expected to complete this puzzle ! A completely different philosophy.
it seems that you are happy to "cheat" when it suits you

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Local Quiz -Last Chance

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