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Gfq 88

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grumpy01 | 15:49 Sat 06th Jul 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Having read the various mails on the Who's Who quiz I would like a hint but not an answer to the following.For what 1940's British radio first is Arthur Bush remembered? I and some friends have searched since this quiz came out in early June but without even the slightest chink of light.


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Think detective
There was an Arthur Bush who had a part in Dick Barton Special Agent which was a 40s Radio programme. Might be worth exploring ??
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Thanks Psybbo.I'll ponder that one a bit.
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Emeritus,I have been on that tack but haven't found aything concrete.
emeritus - hint?
I didnt think that gave the answer Psybbo. As Grumpy confirms. Apologies if it did
Sorry, emeritus, I was thinking Dick Barton as well x
Thats OK Psybbo you had me worried there.

Just checked and Arthur Bush was in the Film of Dick Barton Special Agent not sure he was in the 40s Radio programme ?
Think I have found it.

Difficult to give a clue but I will try

This programme is still on Radio 4 Today and it was first Broadcasted in January 1949 (Our friend Arthur Bush was involved)

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Gfq 88

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