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Dm Smallest Hardest Crossword 08/08/13

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alison43331 | 20:42 Thu 08th Aug 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers


Stuck on a couple of clues & would really appreciate help....I'm stumped!!!

1A)Producers ((abbr)) (4 LETTERS) ?FKS

7A) Dash off ((colloq)) (4 LETTERS)) FLA?

****3rd Letter of 7A) must be A because BARK=KINA****



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I thoughtt 7a was Flit, but I could be wrong

I don't understand your *** comment?
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Sorry for the confusion...I have read the other posts about this clue & all have suggested FLIT for Dash Off, but I just wanted to highlight that it doesn't seem to fit as begins FLA?....could it be FLAP?
so what gives you the A, is the clue Bark?
Dash off, could it be flee ???
It could.....
Question Author
Bark is KinA - The last letter of 3D) is the 3rd Letter of 7A)
There's no definition of Kina = Bark that I can see?
I can't find 'kina' as a synoym of any meaning of bark. It's a form of currency from what I can see?
what gives you the K, alison?
kina also quina - bark -[chambers]

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Dm Smallest Hardest Crossword 08/08/13

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