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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 20:02 Sat 01st Feb 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
171 Answers
Good evening and welcome to the Mad Over Fifties Club. First of all may I take a moment to thank Daisynonna for stepping into the breech and hosting our last meeting down at Daisy's Farm, and I must add, at very short notice too.
The tailcock for tonight is The Winning Post (year of the Horse)
Our hot plate special for tonight is a Buffet of Chinese Food, (well it is Chinese New Year after all) all the Chinese classics are there, and on the pudding trolley, apple fritters, and pineapple fritters! Later on we have Lion Dancers, and in the Home Cinema Room, we are showing a selection of Chinese films, Red Cliff (a personal favourite of mine) Crouching Tiger etc. and The House of Flying Daggers (visually stunning) Of course no meeting of the Mad Over Fifties would be complete without our selection of volly vonts, canopies and horses doovers, or a visit from everyone's favourite local band The Tone Deafs, this week they will be playing a selection of Golden Oldies, and as always the Minstrels will be back in the gallery with their usual Madrigals and toccattas.
Yet again owing to inclement weather the bungee will be out of use this evening, as will the hot tub, (too exposed up on those towers) Down in the cellars, the indoor pool is ready for use, and swimsuits are available for those who haven't brought one (skinny dipping is frowned upon at the Towers) Our library is well stocked with all the latest magazines and periodicals, the latest edition of "Cow Punchers Weekly" has only just arrived!
I must say I missed you all last week, and I was touched to read all of your messages wishing me a speedy recovery, thank you.

A warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals tonight.

carriages at midnight.


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Answers? I don't know the questions, it's probably me, I've got one eye on best beloved, another on the tv and the last one on the cats - got to keep Molly away from Teddy!
Not to worry nun. Talking about the rifle prizes which are all cheeses.
The first Tony was gorgonzola.
Why have you got to keep Molly and Teddy separated, nungate ?.
2. Gloucestershire.
Yes! Double Goucester.
Want to know the others or prefer more clues Tony?
A few more clues please, Daisy.
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Molly is a grumpy old girl, and the only cat she ever got on with was our dear old Jess, she hates the sight of both Henry and Max, and tolerates Lou, but she saves all her venom for Teddy, whom she loathes with a passion! She chases him every chance she gets, and now Max and Henry have taken to butting in to save Teddy's neck, so now she lashes out at all three of them! She won't come near Teddy if I'm in the room either
Right, I get the picture, nungate. A little spitfire then.
sorry to hear you have been ill nun, hope you feel better,
Question Author
she'd be a bit long in the tooth to be a spitfire Tony, more a grumpy Miss Havisham type! (though she loves me!)

Thank you Anne, it was very unpleasant for a while but I'm fine now (or I'm whatever passes for fine for me) ;-)
3 The colour associated with communists and a jockey whose surname was Piggot.
4 To cherish someone you take CARE of them. A female foal is a FILLY.
5Take OU and S from gorgeous and you get GORGE. A tourist attraction in the west country.
6 Briefs remove F (female) and S (saint)
7 Hear means sounds like . Vessel is craft. Handled is processed and tennis shots are slices.
8 A pilgrim is another name for a Palmer (sounds like) and a hospital is a San (short for Sanitorium)
Sorry, I even dream crosswords.
waking up alive in the morning is always a bonus for me :)
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feel much the same Ann,

Daisy, those are clever! I got Red Leicester (one of Queenie's favourite cheeses)
Red Leicester.
Carefilly sp.
Kraft cheese slices.
Madame the cleaning staff are assembled and await your instructions.

Would any of your guests care for refills of their tailcocks or some other refreshments?
Oh yes, a refill for me please, Igor.
Your bucket Tony sir,
Well done.
1 Gorgonzola
2 Double Gloucester
3 Red Leicester
4 Brie
5 Caerphilly
6 Cheddar
7 Brie
8 Parmesan

I'm not supposed to eat cheese.
May I have Judy Collins singing In My Life on Mamya's thread?

Please Igor, a small one.
I don't really care for it much anymore mum.

I'm glad I brought my boys up well -NOT

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