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Homework Quiz

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galasalmon | 19:14 Wed 30th Apr 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
This is my last one , Can anyone give me a clue to answer which are jobs trades etc , only know one in Shakespeare.

Thank you.


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Sorry, I don't understand what you are asking, galasalmon.
Do I need to have the quiz in front of me to understand this?
Is it a job in the name of a Shakespeare play?
Merchant? (of Venice)

There was a Nurse and a Friar in Romeo and Juliet
If it is as scorpio guessed, then ......merchant
Weaver, tailor, carpenter, bellows mender, tinker.
I forgot the joiner. A Midsummer Night's Dream.
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sorry I should have put it better .
The answers are all people , real or fictional , whose name includes an occupation Question is Octavia .

Thank you.
Looks good, scorpiojo- assuming the Shakespeare reference was a red herring from galasalmon
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No the only Octavia I could get was in Shakespeare, not trying to confuse you, I appreciate your help . Only problem is Butler is one of the other answers which is Simon Butler , maybe two butler answers . Thanks.
Back to the drawing board lol
All's Well that Ends Well, then :-)

galasalmon, can you give us an example, please?
Question Author
example is the Hornblower series C S Forester
Erewhon Samuel Butler
Jilly Cooper
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Thank you everyone

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