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Prize Crossword

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Khal6 | 12:50 Sun 27th Jul 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers
32A) Slang term for one's wife (3,7) _ E _ / I _ _ _ O _ S
25D) Tax on legal documents such as those in property transactions (5,4) _ T _ M _ / _ _ T _

Many thanks!


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32a her indoors
25d stamp duty
32a.Her indoors
255d.Stamp duty
Help in snooker is a spider
Scientific prefix is: Atto
23a: Ozone hole
23a wrong, it should have been:
European Space Agency
Sorry about first answer.
Ozone hole was 24 down
Which crossword are you doing Greenjob?

Why are you mixing two xwords, doesn't make sense?
I've done both
15a: finial
Both? Which two? and where is second crossword mentioned in the OP?

Ok, but waiting 'til someone asks a question is kinda normal.
Both in MOS, just a hobby. Cheerio

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