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Fruit And Veg

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clairerob21 | 15:28 Fri 15th May 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
9. do we buy it from the baker instead of the greengrocer ?
10. orphan trotter's transport
16. using this clue,do you find the prof ?
19. appears just before April
29. given a chance by John Lennon !!
32. moorland queen


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16 (Professor) PLUM (Cluedo)
29 (Give) PEAS (Peace a chance)
29 Peas -give peace a chance?
9 Breadfruit?
19 apPEARs
9 breadfruit

32 heath er fits the clue but .....
32) Leek.
Children Of Fiji Fruit And Veg Quiz
70 mostly cryptic clues leading to names of fruits or vegetables.
Closing date June 7th 2015. £1 minimum each.
Sae to 1 South Drive Cattistock DT2 0JG or pay on line below for an email copy
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Fruit And Veg

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