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The Km Links Game - September Week 2 Results

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seekeerz | 02:19 Mon 12th Sep 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Good morning everyone - typical mad Monday here in the seekeerz household, its raining and rather bleak and after the excitement of a car blowing up next door last night we're all feeling a bit ragged !!

Never mind, there's a bit of excitement on the links line as well,

Fairy Cakes
Rock Pool
Splinter Groups
Nerve Centre

And the STAR TURNS came from DOOF45 and ELLIEMAY1 both of whom collected 6 points for three correct matches ....nice going, guys !!

A reasonable sprinkling of other points moved some people along the track, others rested on their laurels and waited for an easier round ...this one had a few too many possibles as is often the case ......

We're at the halfway point of the month, lets hope the next two are kinder....however, till then, stay safe and I'll see you Saturday ....skz


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And now for the LEADER BOARD ....where a recent arrival in our ranks is making quite a spectacle of himself, for all the right reasons ....

12 points - Doof45

7 points - brizzer & cupid04

6 points - Chiefpanda, cliffyg, elliemay1, Fibonacci, owllady & rockfordill.

4 points - baza, cannylad, cpfcrosie, Mrs E, murraymints & JJ109

So Congratulations to all the points scorers in what was not the easiest of rounds, hopefully we'll make it all up in the next two I'm off for coffee, so see you all later, Cheers, Steff
Thanks, Steff,and well done to those mentioned on the leader board. Another single point for me - such consistency ;)
Question Author
You and me both, Rose .....hard work this round :))
How many points for me please? One correct last week, 2 this week. I seem to be doing a bit better this month, last month only 1 point. (lol) Thank you for all your hard work skz.x
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Butterbun ...only one for you this week, I'm afraid xx
Awh, thanks seekerz, my best for a while! I changed my mind at the last minute on 'splinter groups' and put 'social groups' instead!
Ooops! why, oh why, do I change my mind. I meant to put 'fairy cakes' and then changed it. Sorry, I know you're on the ball.xx
Just for a change, I went along the route of not changing my mind.
Didn't do me any good lol

Well done to the point scorers
Nil points for me again - I'm beginning to feel a bur like Norway in Eurovision!
Thanks Steff. I'm usually nowhere near the top of the board so I'll enjoy it while I can x
Yeah! I'm out the door, the nerve eh! I thought of Rock pool, it was too close to the Livergirls to post ;-)

Well done point scorers looking like it might be a high scorer this month. I can see the dot on the horizon from where I'm standing, I'm on my way.

Thank you Seekeerz.
Thanks Steff, although Nil Points again.

I didn't put Nerve Centre as Kate had used this link a few weeks ago - grrr.

Well done all the point scorers.

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The Km Links Game - September Week 2 Results

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