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Bird Quiz

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Dougday | 09:49 Mon 24th Oct 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
(17) Sounds like this bird is following someone 5, (19) A winner on top f the hill 9, (20) How much does it cost ? RICH eople only can afford that 7, (22) Flying over the fens 5-7, (25) I noticed an incest trap 7-10 , much appreciated


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17 stork (stalk) ?

(17) Sounds like this bird is following someone 5,
(19) A winner on top f the hill 9,
(20) How much does it cost ? RICH eople only can afford that 7,
(22) Flying over the fens 5-7,
(25) I noticed an incest trap 7-10 , much appreciated

25 Spotted flycatcher.. insect
19 gold + crest - goldcrest ?
20 Ostrich, in the clue.
25 if insect and not incest
Spotted Flycatcher
22 marsh harrier ?

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