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Nursery Rhyme Quiz C/d 30/4/18

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saintstim | 08:47 Thu 05th Apr 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
Answers are a single word that can appear anywhere in a nursery rhyme. no letter count.
31 Discover him where kith and kin gather. (Will start with K or L)
40 Appears in full thirteen times (Starts with M or N)
Thanks for any help.


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31. Couldthis be something as simple as "KING"? Discovered hidden in the clue ....and KIN Gather. "The King was in the counting house" is just one example of where a king is in a nursery rhyme
12:47 Thu 05th Apr 2018
40 macdonald (old macdonald etc)
Question Author
Thanks Mallyh but the answers are in alphabetical order and number 39 is mittens so it can't be macdonald (unfortunately).
40. the only other one i can think of is mulberry bush but theres more than thirteen .
31. Couldthis be something as simple as "KING"?
Discovered hidden in the clue ....and KIN Gather.

"The King was in the counting house" is just one example of where a king is in a nursery rhyme
Very clever, JJ.
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Thanks JJ
How about Moon you have a full moon just a thought
great answer bows ,hey diddle diddle
or "boys and girls come out to play . . ."
Moon looks good to me - a full moon = 13 times per year
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Brilliant JJ. Would never have thought of that!!
Please see bows13 up above -he thought of it, but was unsure
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Sorry yes. Not woken up properly. Thank you bows!!

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Nursery Rhyme Quiz C/d 30/4/18

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